Saturday, February 9, 2013

Welcome to the Machine: A Manifesto for Building a Mini Mecha Army

Good morning gearheads and mecha fanatics,

My name is Anna, and I'm something of a gearhead-in-training. I love tinkering with stuff. I like to work on and customize my motorcycle. I steampunk. And I have a slightly more than modest collection of typewriters.

I also love building models, and my great love is Gundam.

I don't even really care what series the mobile suit is from, or what side. I'm trying to finish watching all the Gundam series, but for now, my favorite mech animes are Gundam 00 and Gundam Wing (Yeh, I'm sure I'll get shit for that last one; and for you Evangelion fans, I am really trying to get into it...). While I've built several suits from Wing and one from 00, I've also built a bunch from the Seed universe. My first Master Grade was the Astray Red. But more on that in a later post. ;)

I also adore building the SD Gundams. I've built more of these little cuties than any other type. I just can't seem to resist them; they're small, fast builds, and always turn out very kawaii. For these, I'll have a feature called 'Bite-Sized Builds', because it's just so fitting for them.

I'm still relatively new to Mobile Suit modeling. I haven't made any mods as yet, no paint and no decals. But I'm getting there. I have already built eight suits (don't have photos of them all yet!) and have another five sitting in boxes, waiting for me to get to them. I'll introduce each individually in their own post, but for now, I'll show a photo of the collection thus far (with a photobomb by a suit that lives here, but I didn't build, and probably more to come, since my guy likes to build as well and has two suits he's yet to assemble) and start gearing up for a second post, to specifically introduce my first-ever build.

I'd love other builders out there to comment and share their works and tips with me too, if you would like! I'd love to meet some fellow builders out there and see your work. ^_^

The collection thus far. From left: MG Astray, SD Destiny, HG Wing Zero, SD Blitz, SD Exia, Tiny Zaku (not technically a build), SD Strike Noir and HG Heavyarms (not mine!). Trowa and Heero still need painted, and Astray needs decals. Typewriters they are sitting on are Socrates, a Remington Noiseless Model Seven and Virgil, an L.C. Smith & Bros No. 2. My collections can play nice and share space, but it sure makes my secretary cabinet messy!

Lookout world. You have been warned. I'm building a mini mecha army!

Stay tuned...

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